Please review our Warranty, Returns & Refunds policies before you place an order. Remember, all orders receive free technical Orders less than this amount will have a shippingĪnd handling charge of $8.75 added. We pay the freight out in USA on all orders We WILL need your serial number to look up correct parts. Years for much of anything other than 'sales tools' in dealerships. There is NO serial-to-year cross-reference chart for 1997 and later motors. Serial numbers than listed in these guides. There is no way to find the model year of motors with significantly higher Mercury ceased publishing this information after the 1996 model year. These motors do not have any consistent year-to-serial scheme. We currently do not have those here, but are largely useless. Japanese Mariner motors have a totally different serial number scheme, e.g. With Mercury serial number ranges and use these same charts. Later model serial will begin with a '1' or higher in pace of the '0' those ARE significant. PLEASE NOTE: leading zeroes are not relevant, e.g.